Creating amazing art pieces, having hobbies, working with hands or finding a way to relax is very valuable and beneficial for our well-being.
I was trying to push boundaries and bring not just an art value but to find a way to avoid damaging the environment by using so many colors.

infographic recycling art process kiki spring

First, I finished completely using epoxy resin when I found out how toxic and terrible it is for the environment. I use a minimum of acrylics only for background study painting. The rest of my portraits I create from garbage and waste material. I buy second-hand canvases (at Swiss “Bröcki”), and all tubes from colors and glue are cut into pieces and reused.

Inspired? Very well! Then we are on the same page to do something good. 😍

1 comment

  • peovee

    Thanks for making eco conscious art! Nice site

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