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Creating amazing art pieces, having hobbies, working with hands or finding a way to relax is very valuable and beneficial for our well-being.I was trying to push boundaries and bring not just an art value but to find a way to avoid damaging the environment by using so many colors. First, I finished completely using epoxy resin when I found out how toxic and terrible it is for the environment. I use a minimum of acrylics only for background study painting. The rest of my portraits I create from garbage and waste material. I buy second-hand canvases (at Swiss “Bröcki”), and all tubes from colors and glue are cut into pieces and reused.Inspired? Very well! Then we are on the...

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4 reasons why you should have hobbies …and I don't mean watching Netflix!

This art blog is an experiment of the personally modified text created by Chat GPT/OpenAI (11.06.2023). As I am not an English native speaker, ChatGTP helped me tremendously to organize my ideas and write sophisticated text. I deleted about 30% of the original text as it was unnecessary. I adjusted about 30% to make reading simpler and added my ideas. And 40% is pure text from ChatGPT. It’s essential for me to communicate these things with you so we don’t abuse AI, our intelligence and our values. Enjoy the reading!    Finding balance and developing our passions often takes a backseat in our fast-paced, technology-driven world. However, cultivating a hobby is more than just fun—it is an entrance to self-expression, personal growth,...

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5 Creative Scams – Artists, be careful!

Were you ever a victim of a scam or fraud? In 2021, I went public with my art through my website, which is also my online store, and three social media channels – Instagram, Pinterest, and recently YouTube. This was an exciting time – I could share my art with art lovers worldwide; everything will be peachy, I thought, or better yet, coral, rose, and turquoise – my coastal colour palette – except, not really! When I started, my fan foundation consisted of my family and friends (about 20 people). I thought I was still anonymous. However, this was not the case for scammers. The scams I am going to describe are related to my virtual presence. If you know...

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I don't have kids, so I give a sh*t what I leave here for the next generations.

Do you care? I do, even without kids. With kids, I would probably care even more.  I read a very inspiring book from the Patagonia brand founder Yvon Chouinard: Let my people go surfing. This book should be a business bible of sustainability and exemplary leadership, but a few weeks ago, I didn’t even know that a book like this existed. There is something wrong here. Each small decision, like not buying clothes and furniture but instead repairing and reusing, bringing your folding bag into a grocery store, or washing clothes only when they’re really filthy very much impacts the environment. We still don't get it –  the amount each of us can change. I am trying to get it...

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