I don't have kids, so I give a sh*t what I leave here for the next generations.

Do you care? I do, even without kids. With kids, I would probably care even more. 

I read a very inspiring book from the Patagonia brand founder Yvon Chouinard: Let my people go surfing. This book should be a business bible of sustainability and exemplary leadership, but a few weeks ago, I didn’t even know that a book like this existed. There is something wrong here.

book let my people go surfing art portrait trash cuts

Each small decision, like not buying clothes and furniture but instead repairing and reusing, bringing your folding bag into a grocery store, or washing clothes only when they’re really filthy very much impacts the environment. We still don't get it –  the amount each of us can change. I am trying to get it on different anti-consumerism levels. One of them is that I started creating female portraits from our household garbage. (You can check out what was in our trash can at  kikispring.com/collections).

Imagine if there were billions less plastic packaging every day. How about fewer T-shirts, leather handbags, flip-flops, mobile phones, and so on? Instead of working almost 24/7, we can spend time outside with family and friends. Instead of watching Netflix, we can go into the forest, and instead of brown-nosing in a corporation, we can help people, animals, and the environment.

We still don't get how much each of us can change! It does not matter what your reason is. It's just a good thing to do.

Posted on April 22, 2023, and dedicated to Earth Day. 

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